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Filip 06.05.2003 u 11:34:11 profil autora
Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne): What is "real"? How do you define "real"?


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Filip 06.05.2003 u 11:37:05 profil autora
i još jednu za kraj:

Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss): Neo... nobody has ever done this before.
Neo (Keanu Reeves): I know. That's why it's going to work.


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Filip 12.05.2003 u 01:20:40 profil autora
ovo sam pročitao na zbrdazdola.. al je super, pa sam mora pejstati.

Grace (Nicole Kidman): The only thing that moves here is the light. But it changes everything!

/The Others/

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Filip 19.05.2003 u 22:33:40 profil autora
Rogue: Logan, come on.
Logan: I'll be alright.
Rogue: But we won't.

/X-Men 2/

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airball 23.05.2003 u 16:21:17 profil autora
there's no such thing as a mistake.
there's what you do, and what you don't do.

arhimed 24.05.2003 u 22:59:06 profil autora
choose life. choose a job. choose a career. choose a family. choose a fucking big television. choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... choose diy and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning. choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crashing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an emarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. choose your future. choose life... but why would I want to do a thing like that?


"choose diy and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning."

motiv nedjeljnog jutra je relativno cest.
zasto im je sunday morning nesto tako posebno?
waiter in his 60s 25.05.2003 u 16:59:25 profil autora
valjda zato što tada ne možemo pobjeć
od sebe tako da se zaokupimo poslom

p.s. baš me zanima oće kjut reagirat
arhimed 26.05.2003 u 02:21:18 profil autora
kjut, reagiraj da cujem (tj. procitam) i tebe.
Filip 05.06.2003 u 12:01:03 profil autora
Hoag (Andrew Howard): What if, when we took on that kraut ship, we didn't sink 'em? What if... they sunk us?
Wallace (Zach Galifianakis): Oh, that's a good twist.


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electro cute 05.06.2003 u 12:51:50 profil autora
zato jer wondering who you are on sunday morning dolazi nakon drinking all night long on saturday evening.zato jer nemožeš pobjeć od nedelje.zato jer je nedelja najdepresivniji dan.ljudi imaju prkleto slobodne vrijeme i ne znaju što bi s njim.dosada.nedjeljom ima najviše suicida.
volim irvina.
waiter in his 60s 06.06.2003 u 03:37:00 profil autora
nije, najviše suicida se događa ponedjeljkom.
američki psihići to zovu "stormy monday"

sad si me sjetio 'boomtown ratsa' i
'i don't like mondays'

p.s. tori je genijalno skinila tu stvar
waiter in his 60s 07.06.2003 u 00:17:02 profil autora
"There's a simple solution to every complex problem,
and it's wrong."

davno čuo u nekom filmu i zapisao, sad tražim
na guglu čije je i ispadne mi da je to od
umberta eca
dju 07.06.2003 u 14:44:11 profil autora
Kad smo kod vremena za samoubojstvo, navodno ih se najviše događa u oko pet ujutro. To sam saznala kad sam čitala o drami Sarah Kane "4.48 Psychosis", koja se tako zove upravo jer je statistički dokazano da se većina samoubojstava tad događa. I sama se Sarah Kane ubila prije 4 godine. Ne znam u koliko sati. Šteta, u svakom slučaju. Navodno je dobro pisala.
waiter in his 60s 07.06.2003 u 20:39:19 profil autora
i navodno se to najviše radi baš u ovo doba,
u kasno proljeće/rano ljeto.

mislit ću na njih prekosutra u rano jutro

Izmjenio - waiter in his 60s u 07.06.2003 20:42:18
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 04:41:52 profil autora
American Beauty

znam da ću pretjerat s brojem citata, ali na to ste se već valjda navikli
pročitajte ih, stvarno vrijedi truda

Lester Burnham [narrating] : My name is Lester Burnham, this is my neighborhood, this is my street, this is my life. I am 42 years old, in less than a year I will be dead. Of course, I don't know that yet, and in a way I am dead already.


Lester Burnham: Look at me, I'm jerking off in the shower... This will be the high point of my day, it's all down hill from here.

Izmjenio - waiter in his 60s u 08.06.2003 4:54:10
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 04:53:23 profil autora
Lester Burnham [narrating]: That's my wife, Carolyn. See the way the handle on her pruning shears matches her gardening clogs? That's not an accident.


Lester Burnham[narrating]: Janie's a pretty typical teenager. Angry, insecure, confused. I wish I could tell her that's all going to pass, but I don't want to lie to her.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 04:59:38 profil autora
Jane Burnham: I need a father who's a role model, not some horny geek-boy who's gonna spray his shorts every time I bring a girlfriend home from school.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:15:18 profil autora
Jane Burnham: I don't think we can be friends anymore.
Angela Hayes: You're way too uptight about sex.
Jane Burnham: Just don't fuck my dad, all right? Please?
Angela Hayes: Why not?


Angela Hayes: I'm serious. He just pulled down his pants and yanked it out. You know, like, "Say hello to Mr. Happy."
Playground Girl #1: Gross.
Angela Hayes: It wasn't gross. It was kinda cool.
Playground Girl #1: So did you do it with him?
Angela Hayes: Of course I did. He's like a really well known photographer. He shoots for "Elle" on like a regular basis. It would have been so majorly stupid of me to turn him down.
Playground Girl #2: You are a total prostitute.
Angela Hayes: Hey! That's how things really are. You just don't know 'cause you're this pampered little suburban chick.
Playground Girl #2: So are you. You've only been in "Seventeen" once and you looked fat! So stop acting like you're goddamn Christy Turlington!
Angela Hayes: Cunt!

Izmjenio - waiter in his 60s u 15.06.2003 6:29:52
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:23:55 profil autora
Colonel Frank Fitts: Where's your wife?
Lester Burnham: Uh, I dunno. Probably out fucking that dorky, prince-of-real-estate asshole.
Colonel Frank Fitts: Your wife is with another man and you don't care?
Lester Burnham: Nope. Our marriage is just for show. A commercial for how normal we are when we're anything but.


Carolyn Burnham: Fuck me, your majesty!

waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:28:21 profil autora
Ricky Fitts: I was filming this dead bird.
Angela Hayes: Why?
Ricky Fitts: Because it's beautiful.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:30:08 profil autora
Ricky Fitts: It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was, like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse. But it helps me remember... and I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:37:28 profil autora
Lester to wife Carolyn:
When did you become so... joyless?... What happened to that girl who faked seizures at frat parties when she got bored?

waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:39:39 profil autora
Carolyn Burnham: What are you doing?
Lester Burnham: Nothing.
Carolyn Burnham: You were masturbating!
Lester Burnham: I was not.
Carolyn Burnham: Yes you were!
Lester Burnham: Oh, all right! So shoot me, I was whacking off! That's right, I was choking the bishop, chafing the carrot, you know, saying "hi" to my monster!

Izmjenio - waiter in his 60s u 08.06.2003 5:40:05
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:45:02 profil autora
[at the dinner table]
Carolyn Burnham: Your father and I were just discussing his day at work. Why don't you tell our daughter about it, honey?
Lester Burnham: Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go fuck himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.
Carolyn Burnham: Your father seems to think this type of behavior is something to be proud of.
Lester Burnham: And your mother seems to prefer I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink.
Carolyn Burnham: How dare you speak to me that way in front of her? And I marvel that you can be so contemptuous of me, on the same day that you LOSE your job.
Lester Burnham: Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT. Someone pass me the asparagus.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:48:42 profil autora
Lester Burnham: I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. You two do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, and I don't complain. All I want--
Carolyn Burnham: Oh, you don't complain! Oh, please! Excuse me! Excuse me! I must be psychotic then! If you don't complain, what is this? Yeah, let's bring in the laugh meter and see how loud it gets on that one. You don't complain--
[Lester throws the plate of asparagus at the wall.]
Lester Burnham: Don't interrupt me, honey.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:52:41 profil autora
Brad Dupree [reading Lester's job description]: My job requires mostly masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that less closely resembles Hell. You have absolutely no interest in saving yourself, do you?
Lester Burnham: Brad, I've been a whore for the telemarketing industry for 15 years. The only way I could save myself is if I start firebombing.
waiter in his 60s 08.06.2003 u 05:56:32 profil autora
Lester, closing speech:

I'd always heard your entire life flashes before your eyes a second before you die. First of all, that one second isn't a second at all. It stretches on forever, like an ocean of time. For me, it was lying on my back at Boy Scout camp, watching falling stars. And yellow leaves from the maple trees that lined our street. Or my grandmother's hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper. And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand-new Firebird. And Janie. And Janie.
And ... Carolyn. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. Then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain, and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life.

Filip 08.06.2003 u 12:00:05 profil autora
bravo waiteru! jedan od najboljih filmova svih vremena!

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waiter in his 60s 09.06.2003 u 05:28:29 profil autora
yup. kevin spacey je glumčina i pol
Filip 11.06.2003 u 11:40:24 profil autora
Phone Booth, sasvim okej film...

The Caller: Isn't it funny - you hear a phone ringing and it could be anybody. A ringing phone has to be answered...doesn't it?

/Phone Booth/

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