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gogolj 25.11.2009 u 13:09:02 profil autora
za početak;

"žene su čudesna bića, one znaju svemirske tajne. da nema njih ne bi bilo ni muzike. to je sve zbog njih."
gogolj 25.11.2009 u 13:10:12 profil autora
"teško je ostati dječak. dječaci su pjesme sami po sebi, odrasli ih "rade"."
DanMrak 25.11.2009 u 15:56:36 profil autora
just because you feel it doesnt mean it''''s there
Zgodna tema i još zgodniji izbor prvih citata :)

"just because you feel it doesnt mean it''''s there"
gogolj 27.11.2009 u 22:01:43 profil autora
"... but just being cynical isn''t enough. music is something that should speak for itself, straight from the heart. it took me a long time to understand that."
damon albarn
gogolj 03.12.2009 u 10:55:45 profil autora
"music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music."
marcel marceau
gogolj 12.12.2009 u 14:25:27 profil autora
"you can’t do anything with sound," mr. kevin shields had said, "unless there is emotion."
gogolj 29.01.2010 u 18:15:17 profil autora
"I believe that musical instruments, especially made those out of wood -- Cellos, Violins, Guitars -- I believe that they resonate musically even when they''re not being played. They have a memory. Every note that''s even been played on them is still inside of them resonating in the molecules of the wood"
- The Violin, Limits Of Control (2009)

to je iz novog jarmuschevog filma
gogolj 01.02.2010 u 16:36:20 profil autora
"all musicians are subconsciously mathematicians."
thelonious monk
dendrofil 28.04.2010 u 01:15:55 profil autora
poleti i leti
"iskrenost maltretira pjesme, a maštu treba krotiti."
gogolj 11.06.2011 u 12:09:35 profil autora
Brian Eno on Nothing

“What would be really interesting for people to see is how beautiful things grow out of shit… Nobody ever believes [that it happens that way]. Everybody thinks that Beethoven had his string quartets completely in his head, that it somehow appeared there and formed in his head, and all he had to do was write them down… What would really be a lesson that everybody should learn is that… things come out of nothing. Things evolve out of nothing. The tiniest seed in the right situation turns into the most beautiful forest, and then, the most promising seed in the wrong situation turns into nothing…

I think this would be important for people to understand because it gives people confidence in their own lives to know that that’s how things work. If you walk around with the idea that there are some people who are gifted, that they have these wonderful things in their head, but you’re not one of them, you’re just sort of… a “normal” person. [But with this insight], you could have another kind of life. You could say, “Well, I know that things come from nothing very much and start from unpromising beginnings, and I’m an unpromising beginning — I could start something.”

— Brian Eno
daddy 12.06.2011 u 22:15:55 profil autora
i u kebab s njim i u kakao
stvarno strahobalno istinito.
svaki dan se susrećem s tim.
minimalni pomaci mogu odvesti u dobrom smjeru.
naravno, iz ničega.
isto tako, da, "nešto" često postaje ništa ako nemam sreće pohvatati sve puzzle.
darko 14.06.2011 u 19:02:14 profil autora
evo jednog dobrog primjera:

Angelo Badalamenti objašnjava kako je nastala muzika za Twin Peaks:
gogolj 08.12.2012 u 23:03:24 profil autora
How do you see the work that you did versus the work that you do?

GLASS: I don’t mean to give you a Zen koan, but the work I did is the work I know, and the work I do is the work I don’t know. That’s why I can’t tell you, I don’t know what I’m doing. And it’s the not knowing that makes it interesting.
daddy 09.12.2012 u 10:16:51 profil autora
i u kebab s njim i u kakao
kad si zadnji put gogolje pročitao nekog/neke iz hrvatske glazbene uljudbe da na ovaj način razgovaraju o muzici, o umjetnosti?
a to su bazične stvari, postulati sinergije, napretka.
ništa, ništa od toga ovdje nema. pa čemu se nadati onda?
kako bez temelja kuću graditi?
Rio 09.12.2012 u 12:02:47 profil autora
I''''''''''''''''ll take away your pain, let''''''''''''''''s work on you babe
"Čudan će se svijet otkriti dok budem njime išao, gromovnički svijet kome munje palucaju po obodu. Mnogi su ga krivo shvatili i nikad ga potom nisu shvatili kako treba. Ja sam ušao ravno u njega, Bio je širom otvoren. Jedno je bilo jasno: ne samo da ga nije vodio Bog, nego ga nije vodio ni vrag." "Rodio sam se daleko od mjesta gdje bih trebao biti, pa mu se vraćam." Bob Dylan
sucker 10.12.2012 u 11:06:22 profil autora
hvala na linku, gogolj, pa taj beckov remiks je čisti biser, fenomenalno!
gogolj 10.12.2012 u 11:25:17 profil autora
na blogu sam ostavio link za stvar, da, slažem se, ja bi da traje 50 minuta
daddy 10.12.2012 u 11:56:26 profil autora
i u kebab s njim i u kakao
rio, bravo!
morsky 10.12.2012 u 20:05:22 profil autora
vurice, vurice jebem ti matice, zakaj ne radiš?
gogolj 29.01.2013 u 11:46:12 profil autora
nije muzičar nego režiser ali evo što kaže

Une entrevue avec Robert Bresson

Samuels: You told Godard that you prefer as often as possible to replace image with sound. Why?

Bresson: Because the ear is profound, whereas the eye is frivolous, too easily satisfied. The ear is active, imaginative, where as the eye is passive. When you hear a noise at night, instantly you imagine its cause. The sound of the train whistle conjures up the whole station. The eye can perceive only what is presented to it.
gogolj 20.01.2014 u 20:45:11 profil autora
dendrofil 28.05.2014 u 01:45:56 profil autora
poleti i leti
In my mind, a perfectly manicured suburban world is more of a wasteland than a pile of rusted iron.
Beck Hansen
Marko Maky 03.06.2014 u 00:17:03 profil autora
Without music, life would be a mistake !
Without Music, Life Would Be a Mistake !

Friedrich Nietzsche as Composer and Philosopher
stavkokljun 08.06.2014 u 21:21:46 profil autora