Daddyev dnevnik

001 // 002 // 003 // 004 // 005 // 006 // 007 // 008 // 009 // 010 // 011 // 012 // 013 // 014 // 015 // 016

Idi desnoIdi lijevo
3.1.2002 • 4.1.2002 • 5.1.2002 • 6.1.2002 • 7.1.2002 • 8.1.2002 • 10.1.2002 • 12.1.2002 • 13.1.2002 • 14.1.2002 • 15.1.2002 • 16.1.2002 • 17.1.2002 • 18.1.2002 • 21.1.2002 • 22.1.2002 • 24.1.2002 • 27.1.2002 • 29.1.2002 • 31.1.2002 • 1.2.2002 • 3.2.2002 • 6.2.2002 • 7.2.2002 • 10.2.2002 • 11.2.2002 • 15.2.2002 • 18.2.2002 • 21.2.2002 • 23.2.2002 • 26.2.2002 • 28.2.2002 • 11.3.2002 • 15.3.2002 • 20.3.2002 • 22.3.2002 • 23.3.2002 • 4.4.2002 • 10.4.2002 • 16.4.2002 • 17.4.2002 • 25.4.2002 • 27.4.2002 • 28.4.2002 • 30.4.2002 • 1.5.2002 • 4.5.2002 • 5.5.2002 • 11.5.2002 • 16.5.2002 • 22.5.2002 • 30.5.2002 • 1.6.2002 • 3.6.2002 • 4.6.2002 • 6.6.2002 • 10.6.2002 • 11.6.2002 • 12.6.2002 • 13.6.2002 • 14.6.2002 • 15.6.2002 • 16.6.2002 • 18.6.2002 • 20.6.2002 • 21.6.2002 • 26.6.2002 • 27.6.2002 • 29.6.2002 • 7.7.2002 • 8.7.2002 • 10.7.2002 • 21.7.2002 • 24.7.2002 • 27.7.2002 • 30.7.2002 • 19.8.2002 • 21.8.2002 • 24.8.2002 • 29.8.2002 • 1.9.2002 • 2.9.2002 • 5.9.2002 • 10.9.2002 • 12.9.2002 • 13.9.2002 • 14.9.2002 • 16.9.2002 • 19.9.2002 • 21.9.2002 • 24.9.2002 • 25.9.2002 • 27.9.2002 • 1.10.2002 • 2.10.2002 • 3.10.2002 • 11.10.2002 • 16.10.2002 • 17.10.2002 • 18.10.2002 • 21.10.2002 • 29.10.2002 • 31.10.2002 • 6.11.2002 • 14.11.2002 • 21.11.2002 • 4.12.2002 • 5.12.2002 • 8.12.2002 • 19.12.2002 • 20.12.2002 • 25.12.2002


umjesto da se blamiram argumentirajući sto jest i kako jest (vjerujte, ni vi
ni ja nemamo za to vremena. a i ful je uzaludno.) gnojeći s najsmrdljivijim
žutotisknim govnima, plaćenim instumentaliziranim kriminalcima i šljamom
ljudske rase, evo vam najnovije korespondencije velimira grgića (našeg PR-a)
i davea fridmanna (slobodno mogu reći jednog od najznačajnijih svjetskih producenata današnjice), te njegovog menagera petera shershina, a poradi daveovog produciranja drveća i rijeka.)
sad mogu sa sigurnošću ustvrditi DA DAVE FRIDMANN ŽELI PRODUCIRATI PLOČU PCVC (to samo u hrvatskoj nema ama baš nikakav značaj!). ono što dave ne zna je da mi u slijedećih 6 mjeseci tako i tako nećemo snimati, i imamo ga volju pričekati kolkogod treba.
ipak, takva se šansa čovjeku pruži (možda) jednom u zivotu!
p.s. nisam klinac, i znam da do realizacije ove suradnje vodi dugačak i
jeben put, ali učinit ću sve sve sve da se i ostvari! ne bih si oprostio da
barem ne pokušam...

Hello! Sorry that this has taken so long. We misplaced the newest cd and I
didn't want to respond until I had heard it all.
Like I said from the start, I don't think that there is time in my schedule
to accommodate you on this record, but at least now we know that I would
like to try and work with the band if we can schedule it sometime.
I thought that there is a lot of cool stuff in there and getting to hear the
bands growth and change over the years really left me feeling as though
there was something that I could offer the band.
Peter really does all of the scheduling for me and will have to see if there
is a way that I can be involved. From what I know it seems as though he has
me chained to the mixing console already for most of the rest of the year,
but I wanted to let you know that I thought the band was good!
Thanks for letting me hear it.


Dave likes your CD's, especially the newer material. However, given his
schedule over the next 1/2 year is essentially booked, barring some sort
of cancellation, there is no way he could fit it in recording your next album.
Will you keep us in mind for the following album? What would your tentative
time frame be for that recording?